Alice Visby – The Big O – Brazzers

Alice Visby - The Big O - Brazzers

Stunning Alice Visby is all set up to film a lip gloss try-on haul! Alice hits record on her phone but, just as she’s getting started, her ring light breaks. Luckily Alice’s roommate, Jmac, is home and agrees to hold the phone in place. Busty Alice covers her big, gorgeous lips with gloss and puts them to the test! Alice sucks on a banana, deep throats a popsicle, and finally bites into a cream-filled pastry. Jmac can’t take his eyes off that mouth; Alice’s sucking skills are truly unmatched! Finally, Jmac can’t take it anymore, he sticks his big, hard cock through the ring light, hoping that Alice will use it for her next test.

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