Ashlyn Peaks – Delicious Big Hooters – PornMegaLoad

Ashlyn Peaks - Delicious Big Hooters - PornMegaLoad

Ashlyn Peaks used to be a Hooters Girl in Miami. Most Hooters Girls are not especially busty. We say this because we often grab lunch at the Hooters near the office. The servers are pretty girls but we’ve rarely seen one with a big chest stretching her tank top. We never had the chance to check out Ashlyn in her booty shorts and tank and give her a business card. “I found out about The SCORE Group through my agent,” Ashlyn told us.

“Usually, I have to buy my bras online because they never have them in the stores. When I go out, I definitely wear things to emphasize my breasts. Usually I wear a low-cut dress. I do get a lot of attention because of my breasts. It is a blessing and a curse. I do not always wear a bra. it depends. When I go to sleep I definitely don’t wear a bra.”

With her looks and bod, Ashlyn attracts a lot of guys on the make.

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