Crystal Swift, Mini Vamp – Slip Up In The Shower – FakeHostel

Crystal Swift, Mini Vamp - Slip Up In The Shower - FakeHostel - FakeHub

After a sweaty run, Dorian Del Isla heads to the Fake Hostel for a quick shower. Crystal Swift is already in the shower, however, and using the showerhead to masturbate! Dorian takes his cock out and starts jerking off, then cums all the over the floor. Crystal gets out of the shower and slips on the load, falling into a laundry basket and getting stuck. Dorian tries to help her get free, but instead fucks her pussy doggystyle while spanking her big booty. Mini Vamp comes into the room and startles the couple, then chooses to join in too! The ladies give Dorian a double blowjob, then he fucks both of their pussies while they sit on his face. As the ladies scissor for him, Dorian wanks himself, then they suck out his double facial!

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