Alyssa Bounty – Dumb Slutty Housewife Alyssa Bounty DP’d by Handymen – PornWorld

Alyssa Bounty - Dumb Slutty Housewife Alyssa Bounty DP’d by Handymen - PornWorld

After putting some chicken in the oven, dumb slutty housewife Alyssa Bounty decides to pass the time by making use of her new dildo. But as she plugs are asshole and pussy with it she loses track of time—and in short order her house is filled with smoke. She quickly calls for assistance and when the handymen appear they find her culprit of the fire—the dildo. Taking advantage of Alyssa’s embarrassment, the two men quickly pull their cocks out and DP her right then and there.
Dang title just harsh man.

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