Haley Reed, Silvia Saige – Nothing Sexier Than Motherhood – MommysGirl

Haley Reed, Silvia Saige - Nothing Sexier Than Motherhood - MommysGirl

Silvia Saige pays a surprise visit to her stepdaughter, Haley Reed, although Haley seems a little blue. As they sit down together and chat, it’s revealed that Haley is a new parent. She tells Silvia that, although she loves being a new parent, she hasn’t felt sexy since giving birth. In fact, with her whole life revolving around being a parent now, she doesn’t even feel like an actual WOMAN anymore. She’s worried that no one will EVER be attracted to her again.

Silvia is empathetic as she tells Haley that these are normal feelings to have, though she insists Haley is still a STUNNING woman. Despite the encouragement, Haley is still down in the dumps, unable to see herself in any positive light. While Silvia continues trying to get Haley to see what a sexy woman she is, Haley is inconsolable… which leads to Silvia resorting to drastic measures: coming onto her own stepdaughter to PROVE Haley is still desirable!

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