Kira Noir – Wife-Swap Schemes #02 – DevilsFilm

Kira Noir - Wife-Swap Schemes #02 - DevilsFilm

Tommy Pistol and his wife Spencer Bradley are hanging out at the gym with their friends, Mazee and his wife Kira Noir. Tommy can’t help but notice that Kira is really hot, and he can tell that Mazee thinks the same thing about Spencer. Tommy suggests to Mazee that they swap wives for one night. They could all rent a vacation house together on the weekend, and do the swap there! Mazee thinks that’s a great idea, and they do a little fist bump to seal the deal.

That weekend, both couples arrive at the vacation house, and have fun partying and sightseeing. However, the REAL fun begins at night, when Tommy approaches Kira and gets flirty with her. Kira is surprised, pointing out that her husband and Tommy’s wife are in the house. Tommy lets her know that Mazee and Spencer are actually fucking right now, and she is shocked. Her husband is cheating on her?! Tommy explains that they’re just swapping wives for the weekend. Doesn’t that sound fun?

Kira doesn’t want to be the only one not having fun, and tells Tommy that he’s right. She grabs him and kisses him, then enjoys the feeling of him stroking her pussy and eating her out. She then sucks his cock, and lets him pound his cock into her pussy. Best weekend ever!

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