Layton Benton – Soaking Wet Revenge – Brazzers

Layton Benton - Soaking Wet Revenge - Brazzers

Ricky Spanish and his friend Jordi are living their best lives, searching the internet for pictures of big titties! But when Ricky’s new stepmom, Layton Benton, walks by, Jordi get’s an idea. Layton has had it wither new stepson’s messes, so she decides to have herself a little bath and play with her wet ebony pussy to unwind. But when she catches both her stepson Ricky and Jordi both sneaking a peak as she rubs herself, she drags them into the bath with her! Grabbing both cocks, this ebony babe strokes them hard before laying down on her bed with one cock pounding her sweet pussy while the other fills her mouth to the brim! Layton doesn’t stop until she’s covered in both their loads!

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