Ryan Keely, Kaden Kole – Fucking The MILF And Her Lookalike Trainer – Brazzers

Ryan Keely, Kaden Kole - Fucking The MILF And Her Lookalike Trainer - Brazzers

Ryan Keely just wants to have a relaxing day off and has booked a session with a new yoga trainer. When the trainer, Kaden Kole, arrives, it turns out that the two look… almost exactly alike. This causes confusion for Ryan’s boyfriend’s son Juan, who wants to make a move on Ryan, but ends up smacking Kaden’s ass by mistake. Kaden likes the attention and encourages Juan to go further, leading to Juan sneakily fucking Kaden in the middle of Ryan’s yoga lesson. When Ryan catches the other two fucking, she decides to put her yoga on hold and join the fun.

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